dinner anyone?

after finally breaking down and expressing my stress and despair in the fact that my husband hasn’t helped to pick any slack in house maintenance or food prep/planning since i’ve been suffer with this awful MS, i came home to this.2014-09-29 18.28.23

his “specialities” are limited but i love it! i’m supposed to circle the menu item i feel like and he’ll prepare it (the fridge and cupboards are brimming with food).


i was wondering when it would happen?

when would i let myself start looking at baby items and actually make a secret pinterest board to collect all my favourite things?

today 🙂

i signed up for zulily a couple of days ago for a dr. martens sale (which i missed 😦 ) and today i got an email about their deals…  i’ve been in the rabbit hole for over an hour now! hahaha

so far i’ve found a travel bassinette, well actually two.  the first one i like because it’s light and i like the design more, the other has more storage for travel, although the only “negative” comments about it were that it was heavy just on it’s own, without it being packed with extra items.

8aba20d5512a50bf5ba10aed7486a640                              delta baby changing station.

the costs are pretty comparable  ($40-60) and i did find similar items on ebay for various lower prices.  we are planning a road trip style vacation in the first few months after the baby arrives so i definitely think it would be a handy item.  i’ll have to run it by the hubs and see what he thinks.

one thing i know we both agree on the is the crib 🙂


it’s the jenny lind crib in “lagoon”.  we priced it out online and if we order it online and have shipped to my in-law’s vacation home in florida, the shipping is free and we’ll save close to $200 overall 🙂  they are going to go down for 3 weeks in november so they agreed with the plan and will bring it back up north for us.  (good thing they love a deal just as much (or more) as we do!)

next is sleeping arrangements for the first few months.  i know my sister in law will lend me her bedside bassinet, which is lovely and generous, but i just don’t like it!  i know that that is the stupidest reason in the world but it looks like this

0007146311047_AV1_500X500 (orry if this is the bassinet you own!  just not my bag baby).

i have my eye on something more like this


they are pricey at $200+ but we are hoping to have more than one child and it would be nice not to have to ask to “borrow” items every time we need them.  i think i’m pretty laid back in terms of hand-me-downs and second hand but everyone else got what they wanted and brand new and sometimes i want the same for us and our child(ren).

these items seem to be a dime a dozen with etsy shops making them left right and center.  i haven’t decided where i’ll buy everything from but i definitely want these specific items.


car seat cover


bandana bibs (hubby’s cousin just started making these $10 each or 3 for $25 🙂 )


knit ball teething necklace

and just for fun in the nursery, if the baby is early it will be our little ram (aries) or on time/late our little bull (taurus)


available on etsy – mahzerandvee


 available on etsy – ShabbrusticChic


How far along?    10 weeks, 3 days. we have a kumquat 🙂  i love that word hahaha

Total weight gain/loss?   still holding at 3 or 4 pounds which i can’t believe because all i do is eat and sleep.

Gender?   i really have no idea.  this weekend my girlfriend told me she’s predicting BOY.

Maternity clothes?   No, but i have the urge to pick up some new fall clothes.  only problem, i don’t know how long they’ll keep fitting me…?

Stretch marks?   Nope but i have noticed an increase in little itty bitty red veins right along the surface of my skin.  i always have them on my upper abdomen (right below my boobs) and they become more noticeable in hot weather.  these ones are all over the surface of my breasts.  awesome. haha  i notice them most when i’m in a hot shower.

Sleep?    Have been sleeping well and have cut back on the naps a bit.

Best moment this week –   starting to feel a little bump 🙂  it’s like half a grapefruit resting low between my hip bones.

Miss anything?  just missing feeling normal.  i have small windows and i try to take advantage but i’m still vomiting and feel blah and tired most of the time.

Movement?  Nope.

Food cravings?   i had a weird craving for NERDS this week but i didn’t give into it. still really into bagels and cream cheese and apples.

Anything making you queasy or sick?  had a nasty incident with a PB and banana sandwich this week… :S  basically i can eat anything as long as a i don’t cook it or make it myself hahaha

Symptoms?   vomiting quite a bit. hit my record high this week with 6 bouts in one day … yaaaaaay.

Labor Signs?  Nope.

Belly Button in or out?   This question won’t mean much for a while.

Wedding rings on or off?   On.

Happy or Moody most of the time?   Happy but getting really run down with all the vomiting and feelings of nausea.

Looking forward to?   My IPS testing ultrasound this wednesday.  i hope we get a picture.  afterwards we are going to go tell my husband’s Oma 🙂 also looking forward to getting closer to the 2nd trimester mark.  really hoping i’ll leave all this MS in the first trimester and start feeling like a human again.

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(don’t mind my sexy underwear line hahaha)

peace out progesterone!

September 25th. 10 weeks pregnant.  FINALLY DONE WITH SUPPOSITORIES! !

I’m can’t even bring myself to calculate how many days I’ve been stuffing pills up my hooha.  way too many days is all i know and today i am finally free!

no more progesterone,  no more estrace,  no more panty liners!

i feel so liberated!

now if only i could be free of this increasing MS. someone told me i could be free of that by week 9… no one ever told it could get also get 5 times worse :S

Weekly Update

How far along?    9 weeks, 4 days. Good-bye embryo, hello fetus!  Little movements are happening now (can’t wait to start feeling them 🙂 )

Total weight gain/loss?   up 3 or 4 pounds.

Gender?   Still thinking girl.

Maternity clothes?   Not yet.

Stretch marks?   Nope.

Sleep?    Have been sleeping well and still napping quite a bit.

Best moment this week –   Cooking all types of food and eating all sorts of stuff at mom’s this weekend.  Not yearning for my bed as soon as I get home.  Things are looking up in the MS department 🙂

Miss anything?  Exercising.  Carrying out normal daily activities (although I have been feeling better for about 3 days in a row now).

Movement?  Nope.

Food cravings?   APPLES, cheese and crackers, sour candies.

Anything making you queasy or sick?   Nothing in particular is making me sick but I still have a “gaggy” feeling throughout the day.  Can’t eat chocolate 😦 heartburn trigger.

Symptoms?   Gag reflex and heartburn.

Labor Signs?  Nope.

Belly Button in or out?   This question won’t mean much for a while.

Wedding rings on or off?   On but a little swollen from salty food on the weekend.

Happy or Moody most of the time?   Happy with some mood swings.

Looking forward to?   My first prenatal appointment this afternoon and finally finishing with my suppositories this thursday! WOO HOO! Words cannot explain how excited I am about this.

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well thank you Planting Beans, for the lovely One Lovely Blogger Award 🙂

i am going to do my best to give a good response for all this but I just finished a rather exciting session with my head in the toilet so i’ll be honest in saying it won’t be my best work. LOL

Planting Beans is a young girl that seem wise beyond her years.  it would seem that life has made it this way for her but she takes it all in stride and makes some pretty great baked treats while she’s at it.  watching her struggle through her first year of TTC takes me back to 3 years ago when i was in the same spot.  worried, confused, anxious but still hopeful that a baby is in her future.  i wish her great success on her pursuit of a healthy lifestyle and a healthy happy baby.   don’t give up, no matter how long it takes, no matter what infertility takes out of you.  keep healthy, keep hopeful and keep trying girl!

The other criteria for accepting a One Lovely Blog Award are:

  1. List the rules.
  2. Thank your nominator.
  3. List seven (7) facts about yourself.
  4. Nominate 15 other bloggers and let them know you did.
  5. Display the award logo and follow your nominator.

Seven Not-So-Random Facts About Me

1. i hate changing the milk bag.  i don’t why this is!?  it’s so stupid and i know it is but i just hate it.  the kicker is i hate being lazy so i can’t even bring myself to be an ass and leave it for my husband to deal with.  i’m compelled to do it even though i hate it!

2. i make wreaths.  felt and yarn wreaths and paper wreaths and i have an etsy shop – Gosh Yarn It! Wreaths

3. i have been told i am a mini martha stewart.  i am definitely nowhere near the caliber or insanity level of miss martha but i do love being a homemaker.


4. i love manual labour.  i was a pretty lazy kid but as an adult, especially as a home owning adult, i am a mad women when it comes to hard work.  can’t get enough of it!

5.  i love brussel sprouts but my husband hates them so i never eat them.

6. i love PBS Sunday Morning.  i actually get sad when i miss it.  if i can catch it i watch the whole hour and half program.  i love that the content is totally cool and current but story titles and images are so totally old school.  i love the host’s voice. but most of all i love the way they will end the show with a 30 second clip of something random.  my favourite one ever was when they ended the program with a beaver eating for 30 seconds.  all you could hear was the “smack, smack” of it’s tiny little mouth gnawing away.  amazing.

7.  i had to put my cat down 2 and half years ago and i still miss him so much.  he was a jerk and he pooped at the front door (or anywhere other than his little box) for  several years but i loved that little jerk so much.  my husband is allergic to cats and just generally not a lover of them so i am never allowed to get another cat and i’ll always be a bit bitter at him about that.


i’m adding an 8th!  i love facebook.  everyone seems to have some sort of issue with it but i don’t care, i love it.  i have so many AWESOME photos and memories and jokes and laughs on my FB page and i wish i could print it all make it a book!  if you want to be my friend on FB go for it.  Shammy MacMillan.

my 15 nominees (in no particular order and some will have already been nominated)

1. Planting Beans

2. Joyful4baby

3. Pepibebe Nuturing By Nature

4. Waiting for Baby Bird

5. Infertility, Why Me?

6. Still a Mama Wannabe

7. HER bun. MY oven.

8. Yonge Yet Infertile

9. Laura’s Recovery

10. Speck of Awesome

11. Thechroniclesofanonbellymama

12. The Almost Mom

13. Drunk Storks

14. Reinventing Kristen

15. Unicorns and Baby Dust

I don’t know what to call these posts….

How far along?    8 weeks, 3 days.

Total weight gain/loss?   No gain, no loss.

Gender?   I’m on to thinking girl now but we will not be finding out.

Maternity clothes?   Not even close.

Stretch marks?   Nope.

Sleep?    Have been sleeping pretty well but because of my cold coming on it was harder to wake up for work this week.

Best moment this week –   didn’t really have a best moment.  maybe when i had a bad cold and it took away my MS symptoms for a day LOL

Miss anything?   Not feeling sick all the time and exercising.

Movement?  Nope.

Food cravings?   Bagel and cream cheese, OJ, fruity drinks.  i made my hubby get me a pizza sub from subway… he laughed at me because we’ve been together 8 years and he’s never seen me order a pizza sub.  it was glorious!

Anything making you queasy or sick?   Still having a love hate (most hate) relationship with food.

Symptoms?   MS.

Labor Signs?  Nope.

Belly Button in or out?   This question won’t mean much for a while.

Wedding rings on or off?   On.

Happy or Moody most of the time?   Happy but worried some days.  Just want to see my little bean again and see that everything is still okay.  Getting really bummed out about the whole MS stuff.

Looking forward to?   A friend’s birthday party next weekend and my first prenatal appointment on September 22nd.

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morning sickness cure

thank goodness for the weekend. I’ve been sick as a dog.  i only had to suffer through Friday at work and this weekend I’ve been wrapped up in bed drinking tea,  watching documentaries on Netflix and making towers out of Kleenex.

the bad part is i had to miss out on my youngest niece’s 1st birthday party yesterday 😦

the good part,  i have had a morning sickness break.  ya,  a cold does wonders for taking away your ms symptoms! LOL