Blue Christmas

A fun jump at the local play place has Maeve in a cast this Christmas. At least it’s her favourite colour 🙂  Not actually certain anything is broken though haha. Nothing notable on the xrays but after a week in a splint cast she is still refusing to walk on it. The Dr. thinks there may be a crack in the growth plate (which can’t be seen on an xray) so 3 weeks in the walking cast and she should be all healed up! 

This big foot needs a big bed 😉 as of last night she’s now in her big bed and couldn’t be happier. Slept through the night without a peep. Let’s hope the change continues to be well received! 

I was WAY more emotional than I thought I’d be seeing the crib come down. It’s real. No more babies. For the most part I’m okay with our family of 3 but I don’t think I’ll ever not have a litte bit of hurt in my heart that creeps in from time to time. Only time will tell if I’ll get over that someday. 

Focusing on Me in 2018

Maeve has dropped her napped entirely. That means an earlier bedtime and more time for me to get back to me and get back to doing the things I used to do that were just for me. In this down time I decided to rekindle my love of photography and get back to my business – Shannon MacMillan Photography.

This year was the first time I booked sessions for people I wasn’t related to. It was nerve wracking and stressful and fun and a HUGE LEARNING EXPERIENCE!

Here are just a few of the images I’ve capture in the last few months. I have SO far to go. I’m rusty. I graduated college in 2003. I’ve only done hobby photography since then. I don’t know my “niche” yet. I love family photography for the memories it makes but it’s super stressful. I love simple, studio portraiture but then I want to be creative and keep learning and growing with photoshop. In any case, I have BIG plans for 2018.  I am converting our spare room into a portrait studio this winter and am very excited to keep learning and getting back to ME in 2018.

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Two and a Half


Maeve is just over 2 and a half and I can’t even remember the last time I wrote something on here.

I’m not going to try and play catch up because that is actually impossible haha. It’s almost impossible to keep up from week to week nowadays!

Maeve is amazing, guys. She is such an incredible little person. She blows our minds daily. I’m not going to lie, at 2.5 we have awesome times and terrible times but we have finally sorted out that when she is absolutely bananas bonkers, can’t be reasoned with and is an emotional ball of evilness, an illness is right around the corner. Otherwise our girl is beyond loving and kind. She makes kids cry at the play places because she hugs them too much hahah. She is funny, like REALLY funny, and she laughs at her own wonkiness which make it even funnier. The girl can sing. Her favourites right now are anything from frozen, True Colours, and Christmas songs. She has pitch, tone, and timing. It’s incredible to listen to. She has been fully potty trained for a couple of months now. Bedtime is pull-ups time but at 2.5 we are considering ourselves very luck and are not even worrying about nighttime training.  She does not nap. It makes for a long day but an earlier bedtime and that means hubby and I have more time together in the evenings.  The conversations with Maeve are complex and mature and this is an area where our minds a BLOWN everyday.   We are still dealing with toddler behaviours like pulling hair and pinching instead of using all the words she knows but just like when she was little, we just continue to talk her through making good choices and just hope to goodness that she’s not still pulling her friend’s hair at 9 years old hahaha.

Maeve’s favourite activities right now are skating, swimming, singing, playing doctor (I’m so excited for her to get the doctor kit that Nana got for her for Christmas), playing “mommy” and taking such good care of her little baby doll. Last night we woke up to her running in her room. We looked on the monitor and she had ran to her bedroom door and was sat down with her baby in her arms and was breast feeding her! She did one boob, then the other. She sat there for a solid 5 minutes feeding away and then just got up and went back to bed and fell back asleep. My brother was a sleep walker and we both talked in our sleep so I guess she comes by it honestly. She loves numbers and is counting up to 20. She is finally into painting and colouring so I am also very excited about this as her big Christmas gift is a craft area in our laundry room.  She is testing out her acting skills and quoting movies lines and acting out parts of her favourite movies. She is far too young but if it sticks around I’ll find a local kids theatre group so she can test out her acting and get some vocal lessons.

I don’t want our little baby to grow up but at 2.5 she is already such a dynamic little kiddo and I look forward to her growing up so much. I just can’t wait to see all the awesome things that she will do.

My computer crashed recently and I don’t have any phone uploads so just a few shots from recently of our little Christmas Angel 🙂
