6 sweet months

guys, my love for maeve has reached a fever pitch.

everyday is my best day with her ๐Ÿ™‚

2015-10-24 13.57.01 2015-10-24 13.57.16

i turned 33 last month and my dad turned 75 ๐Ÿ™‚ ย he’s really impressed LOL

2015-10-24 14.57.29 2015-10-24 14.57.55

daddy’s little hockey fan

2015-10-24 15.52.51

nana’s lovey

2015-10-25 13.22.16 2015-10-29 09.41.43 ย 2015-11-01 07.36.13

miss independent

2015-11-02 08.53.49 2015-11-02 08.54.57 2015-11-02 08.57.47

she doesn’t need to crawl when she can ROLL everywhere haha

2015-11-02 11.03.40

she had a little cold but that doesn’t phase her, she just always smiling xox