It’s Apple Orchard Season

It was 30 degrees and every bit still summer but Maeve was a trooper and wore her “fall outfit” to the apple orchard. Not because I forced her but because it was a new outfit and that meant she just HAD to wear it.  Kids are so awesome. And I am now fully convinced also don’t feel things the same way us adults do.  Long sleeves AND a VEST in 30+ degrees with ZERO complaints? Common.


First Day of School

Maeve is back for her second year in the CASA classroom at Montessori. I guess technically it is pre-school. So wild to think she’ll be in JK next year! Right now the plan is keep her at Montessori 2 or 3 days a week for her JK year and also take her to her regular JK class at our local elementary school on the other days. She is still just 2 days a week at Montessori and she is on a wait list to be bumped up to 3 days. I was told this will not happen during this school year, which honestly was a little disappointing but the best for bank account as the moment.  It was a pretty uneventful lead up to the first day this year. She knows her school and teachers and it wasn’t her “first day” of ever going to school so we really didn’t talk about going back to build the excitement or get her used to the idea. She is super easy going and doesn’t need to be prepared for days that are out of the ordinary which it made it very easy as well.  I did decide last minute (as all my mommy ideas are usually planned) to set up a little “When I Grow Up” session in the backyard before we took her to school.

Right now Maeve wants to be  – “a doctor for peoplemen, not animals, so I can take you (her dad and I) to work with me and take care of you and help make you feel better”.


Work hard, DREAM BIG!



Maeve is 2

our wild little sweetie is 2.

i can totally believe it and not believe it, if that makes any sense?

maeve is totally wild and stubborn and challenges us on many, many things but she is equally as loving and thoughtful and kind and i feel like my heart could explode many times in the day.

her new thing now is whenever she has to leave the room, even if she is just going to the next room to get a toy or go up stairs to get dressed with daddy, she has to come give me a “nice kiss” a “nice hug” and tell me “see you soon mommy!”.  i could just die every time. i never want her to stop doing this.

she likes to talk about emotions.  she will say “mommy so happy”  or  “daddy so happy” when we’re doing different things throughout the day.  she started saying “maeve so sad” and making a sad face recently and i didn’t know why she would be saying this at first.  i would tell her i don’t want her to be sad and would give her a kiss and hug to help her feel happy. then i realized she got Scout for her birthday and he says “i’m sad, i need a hug”.  she was saying this so she could get extra hugs and snuggles. once we called her out on it she got a sheepish grin on her face and nodded that that is exactly what she was doing.  what a girl! LOL

she loves to sing!  wheels on the bus, old mcdonald, twinkle twinkle, rock a bye baby are her number ones.  she is starting say chunks of the alphabet song and “la las” the parts she is not sure about. she is counting 1-10 and is starting to say 11, 12, 13, 14.  she is on a kick with just saying 2, 3, 6 all the time. not sure what it means but it is definitely an important combo for her right now haha.

she is doing ballet and gymnastics and going to “school” (montessori) two days a week. she is growing up so much and we are so proud of her.

she is stubborn and challenging.  she knows how to get what she wants but not in a bratty way (yet!).  she just knows if she asks we’re likely to let her do things because, hey, why not! we only have her.  her favourite is “MAEVE COMING!” she wants in on the action at all times. and really, unless it completely unsafe, which it never is, why can’t she be coming along?  she loves to help daddy  do “fixing”. just give her the measuring tape and screw driver and she thinks she is doing the job herself.

at school she loves playing outside (obvi!), doing sorting games, playing at the pouring station and playing in the discovery bin.  she does cutting in the kitchen station and loves to  hug her friends and teachers.  she has always been so affectionate. i love this quality about her. everyone is a friend.

her birthday was a “Rock Star” party and she had an absolute blast!  we built a stage and got her a little drum set.  she was rocking out HARD all day and was so amazing at sharing her things with all of her friends and cousins.  it was over a week ago and she still says “maeve a rock star”, “mommy a rock star”. we do concerts everyday and she loves when i sing in the microphone. she keeps saying “maeve birthday coming up soon” and gets so sad when i tell her that her birthday has passed. she wants to have another party! takes after her mommy!

we could not be more proud of the little person she has become.  she is destined for great things and i can’t believe i get to be her mom and join her on her journey through life.

Go in again today

The nurse asked me to in for blood today instead of tomorrow just to see what direction the number is going in.

I did a cheap HPT this morning and there is the fastest of faint lines so I am pretty sure I know which direction we will see it going in.

honestly, I am completely okay. I have never been able to be this okay with a lost pregnancy and it is such a peaceful feeling.

I’m loving on Maeve today and counting every single blessing in my life.



so my beta result is 17.

really not great.  maeve started at 33 so i know i draw low numbers. i am disappointed but not really thinking it’s over.

my next draw is on saturday morning.

if the number takes a dive then it was, what it was. if the number continues to climb and doubles i won’t be too excited.  first ultrasound is the only true confirmation.