who am i and why am i here?

after seeing a post by The Novice Gardener about the Zero to Hero challenge going on right now, i thought i’d check it out.

the christmas season is over, my etsy shop is slowing down and my road to IVF and baby is closed until further notice so,  this will be a good daily exercise for my frigid winter days.

so, day 1 – who am i and why am i here?

i am a 31 year woman that never imagined i’d be in the situation i’m in.  i never thought i would struggle with infertility.  

i started this blog as a personal journal.  a way to document my life and my first IVF cycle.  after realizing that i would in fact have to do IVF i wanted to remember all my appointments, how i felt, what medications i was taking…  i had been through a lot, had surgeries and lost babies and i wanted to remember it.

it started as a totally personal/private blog until i discovered “tags”.  once i put some tags on my posting it was then “open to the public”.  to my surprise, some people liked my posting and thank god they did.  i’ve gotten a lot support and perspective on this whole infertility thing through the other bloggers going through it too.

now my blog is open to everyone and i am not struggling so much (at the moment) with infertility.  i have shifted my original focus almost completely.  i now use this blog to write about pretty much anything.  it is still documenting my life as an infertile but it is also documenting my life in general.  i like to bake and cook.  i like to refinish furniture. i like photography and funny pics and videos from the internet.  i have an etsy shop – https://www.etsy.com/shop/GoshYarnItWreaths –  which i will from time to time post about (hey, if you don’t support yourself, no else one will 🙂 )

when i started this blog it was all about infertility and my struggle to have a baby. that’s it.  as i’ve gone through these last few months i’ve realized that my life is not just about my struggle and now this blog reflects that.